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                    1. 亚洲欧美一区二区三区二厂_国产精品久久久久久人妻无网站_亚洲欧美一区二区三区三高潮_日本在线小视频_来一水AV@lysav

                      當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)  >  技術(shù)文章  >  胎牛血清胎球蛋白的鈣結(jié)合性能


                      更新時(shí)間:2017-08-07  |  點(diǎn)擊率:1331




                      Calcium-binding properties of fetuin in fetal bovine serum        

                      Fetuin, an abundant protein in fetal bovine plasma, is the bovine homolog of human α2HS glycoprotein (α2HS). In spite of numerous studies, the biological functions of both proteins remain elusive. We now report the remarkable 45Ca-binding activity of fetuin in fetal bovine serum that has been blotted on a membrane after electrophoresis. The Ca-binding ability of the purified protein was analyzed by equilibrium dialysis, which revealed that bovine fetuin had multiple Ca-binding sites, one of which had a Kd of 0.95 × 10−4 M. It was also shown that the Ca-binding activity of fetuin was greater than that of albumin in serum of the bovine fetus at the late gestational stage. Since fetal bovine serum contains not only a high concentration of fetuin but also a high concentration of Ca, it is possible that fetuin functions to maintain high levels of Ca in fetal serum via normalization of the concentration of Ca2+ ions.

                       文章引自:Wiley Online Library;版權(quán)聲明:版權(quán)歸原作者所有,如有版權(quán)問(wèn)題,請(qǐng)與我們。



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                                      1. 奈曼旗| 湖南省| 北海市| 西平县| 浦县| 伊宁县| 同德县| 油尖旺区| 西藏| 阜康市| 婺源县| 临汾市| 衡南县| 托里县| 江西省| 新郑市| 滕州市| 浏阳市| 营口市| 东源县| 德清县| 虹口区| 阿拉尔市| 东乌| 白玉县| 巴林左旗| 米林县| 大石桥市| 光山县| 恭城| 灵台县| 通河县| 文水县| 高青县| 汪清县| 朝阳市| 玉屏| 潼南县| 新绛县| 常德市| 来凤县|